Trending Topics: Latest from our forums (February 2023)

Here are some of the latest popular questions that the Docusign developers community asked on Stack Overflow in the month of February 2023. You too can ask questions by using the tag docusignapi in Stack Overflow.

Thread: Weird Could not load file or assembly error using Docusign

Summary: The developer is using the Docusign eSignature C# SDK and the NuGet package has a dependency on Newtonsoft.Json.dll, which is failing to load when they try to deploy their integration from the developer machine to the server.

Answer: Assembly binding redirect is a Microsoft .NET technique where you can instruct .NET, through the configuration file, to load a different version of the assembly and not the one requested. This is a useful way to resolve a situation where you have a conflicting version of the same DLL (or NuGet package) being requested by two different libraries on the same server. The developer had to make the same assembly redirect at the top-level configuration file for their project that executed the code on the server in order to resolve the issue.

Thread: Can't figure out how to authenticate with JWT auth for Docusign eSignature API from Google Apps Script

Summary: This developer is using Google Apps and wants to use the JavaScript in there to authenticate and make API calls to Docusign. They were successful using the old legacy auth but were unable to use OAuth to obtain an access token. 

Answer: The developer was confusing the URL for API calls for the Docusign eSignature REST API, which starts with, with the URL for OAuth authentication, which is (both URLs are for the developer environment). The latter URL is to be used to obtain an access token, while the former is then used to make API calls. Furthermore, the developer had to pick application/json for the content-type header of the API calls. 

Thread: Docusign API Integration in Laravel

Summary: The developer is using PHP and Laravel and is trying to understand how they can ensure signers get an email from their integration even if they do not have a Docusign account. 

Answer: You can find detailed information on how to use Docusign to send an envelope for signature using Laravel in this blog post by Ivan Dinkov. In general, there’s no need for signers (or other types of recipients) to have a Docusign account. They will always get an email if you choose remote signing (unless you decide to use SMS delivery). When using embedded signing, no email is going to be sent to the recipients, as the signing occurs inside your integration. 

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Inbar Gazit
Inbar Gazit
Sr. Manager, Developer Content