Team SolutionsClose Deals Faster with Electronic Signature for SalesforceTips for optimizing your Salesforce investment using Docusign eSignature, and some stories from our customers.
Insights for LeadersAnnouncing the 2021 Docusign Partner of the Year AwardsAt Partner Day, part of our annual customer conference, Momentum, Docusign announced our Partner of the Year awards.
Insights for LeadersHow SimpleNexus Delivers a Better Mortgage Signing ExperienceSee why SimpleNexus decided to partner with Docusign to embed eSignature into their home ownership platform.
Insights for LeadersStreamline Contract Workflows with the Procore and Docusign IntegrationDocusign and Procore, the leading construction management software, have partnered to help construction companies with digital agreement technology.
Insights for LeadersModernize Licensing and Inspections for a Federal AgencyLearn how one federal agency was able to modernize and streamline its licensing and inspection efforts with Docusign and Salesforce.
DevelopersBeyond eSignature for Salesforce, part 3: Smooth FlowSalesforce Flow helps you trigger custom actions whenever there is a record update.Zing Zai Loo
IntegrationsApp Password required for new SOAP integrationsSee how this requirement affects your existing eSignature SOAP API integrations as well as any new ones you may want to create.Sarah Zou
IntegrationsReimagine Remote Signing Experiences with Docusign eSignature for ZoomWe're excited to partner with Zoom, the leading video communications platform, to make it even easier to complete agreements from anywhere.Yasamin Yousefi
IntegrationsAchieving Seamless Interoperability in Healthcare with Docusign + Kno2Best practices from Docusign and Kno2 for achieving interoperability among patient intake document workflows and electronic healthcare record (EHR) systems.