Agreements 101Digital Signature vs. Electronic Signature: When to Use EachThere are important technical and legal distinctions between electronic signatures and digital signatures. This is what you should know about when to use each.
Agreements 101A Contract Review Checklist and GuideContract review is not an easy process, but the more careful you are now, the more time you’ll save later.
DevelopersTrending Topics: Latest from our forums (May 2024)See how our most popular recent threads on the Docusign Community and Stack Overflow can help you solve your own development issues.Paige Rossi
Intelligent Agreement ManagementHow Contract Digitization Transforms Customer Experiences Across IndustriesHighlighting five industries that have transformed their customer-facing processes and are reaping big benefits.
Common API TasksCommon API Tasks🐈: Download a document that is part of an eSignature templateInbar Gazit shows you how to download a document from a template using the eSignature REST API.Inbar Gazit
Team SolutionsNegotiate Smarter Employment Agreements with These Expert TipsThree crucial tips for securing the talent you want and crafting agreements that value the interests of all parties.
DevelopersDeveloper Spotlight: Moya Goleski, MagentrixMoya led the implementation of Docusign eSignatures into Magentrix's partner portal solution, streamlining their agreement processes.Matthew Lusher
Intelligent Agreement ManagementDeloitte and Docusign Research Uncovers Costly Problems in the Agreement ProcessNew research from Deloitte validates what we’ve known: It’s too hard to manage agreements with existing tools and processes.
Insights for LeadersUse Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment for DocusignMicrosoft Azure Consumption Commitment is the most cost-effective way to use Docusign with Microsoft. This is how you can start using it.