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5 great reasons your organisation should adopt electronic signatures

Published 27 June 2024
Summary3 min read

Docusign recently surveyed 2,000 executives worldwide about their experiences with electronic signatures. Here’s a summary of the results.

Where does your business stand on electronic signatures? Are you still on the fence? Worried that your customers aren’t ready for it? To help you decide, you might want to hear what 2,000 executives worldwide think about e-signature technology.

Docusign recently surveyed thousands of decision-makers about their perceptions of and experiences with e-signature. We wanted to hear from those who haven’t yet digitised the signing process, as well as those who have.

You can find all the results in this report or, if you’re after a quick summary, read on.

For those who haven’t yet adopted an e-signature platform, the main concerns revolve around trust, security and compliance, and legal validity. Interestingly, though, none of these things are raised as an issue by the many more who are onboard with e-signatures. Instead, adoptees are quick to emphasise the benefits — which are summarised below. 

1. E-signature investments deliver quick ROI

Invest in an e-signature solution, and you’ll get your money back, fast. Almost three in four survey respondents (73%) realised ROI in less than three months; by six months, this rose to 90%. 

This swift return is realised in a number of ways — from faster time to revenue, to operational cost savings and a rise in productivity. 

2. E-signatures are trusted and provide better experiences

With over 1 billion people worldwide using electronic signature services, your customers are more at ease with e-signatures than ever. In fact, if you post out a paper form to a customer expecting them to sign it with a pen, they’ll probably roll their eyes at you. 

No wonder 73% of organisations report enhanced customer experiences thanks to e-signature, along with a 20% drop in customer complaints.

3. E-signatures are more secure than paper and wet ink signatures

Digital signing solutions like Docusign eSignature come with multiple layers of security and authentication, making them much more trusted than a wet ink signature, which can easily be forged. 

Security features like certificates of completion, tamper evident seals, a full audit trail and advanced identity verification services all help to build trust in your brand. In fact, 75% of signers have greater trust in organisations that use DocuSign eSignature.

4. E-signatures meet legal and compliance standards across the globe

Legally admissible in court and widely accepted for most business transactions, modern e-signature platforms meet the most rigorous global privacy and security standards. Survey respondents that use an e-signature platform report 72% fewer security incidents, 25% fewer compliance incidents, and a 76% improvement in compliance overall. 

5. E-signature integrates seamlessly with a wide range of enterprise software tools

With pre-built plugins for popular enterprise software, e-signature solutions like Docusign are easy to implement and adopt. In fact, more than half (55%) of survey respondents adopted e-signature in less than five days, and almost all (95%) did so in less than a month.

By integrating into tools like Microsoft Office, CRM systems, HRM systems and identity verification software, employees can access all the great time-saving and security features of e-signature without having to leave the platforms they use every day.

Ready to step into the future with Docusign eSignature?

Get in touch to learn more about why Docusign is the world’s #1 way to send and sign documents, and how eSignature can help your organisation transform its customer agreement experience.

Discover what's new with Docusign IAM or start with eSignature for free

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