Team SolutionsDrive Security, Scalability and Oversight with DocusignTake a look at how admin tools help with three essential corporate objectives —security, scalability and oversight - as you generate, implement agreements. e
Insights for LeadersCultivating the Future of Agricultural Lending: Lessons from GreenStone Farm Credit ServicesLearn how one of the nation’s largest agricultural lending cooperatives built a solid foundation for scalable growth.
Insights for LeadersTime and Materials Contracts in ConstructionTime and material needs can both be difficult to anticipate. Learn how time and materials contracts help and how to manage them electronically.
DevelopersTabs deep dive: Custom tabsThrough the Docusign eSignature REST API, you can set up custom tab types you can then reuse in your envelopes. Paige Rossi shows you how.Paige Rossi
DevelopersCoding for the world, part 3: It is all about those cluesHow you name your variables and structure your strings can have a big impact on localizing your product. Bettina Becker runs through common scenarios.Bettina Becker
DevelopersExpanding Power Automate Series: Document GenerationIt takes just four actions to generate a document and send envelopes for signature with Microsoft Power Automate, using the Docusign connector. See how.Mohamed Ali
Insights for LeadersAccelerate Time to Approval with Docusign eSignature for Approvals in Microsoft Teams We're excited to announce support for Docusign eSignature as an approved electronic signature provider for approvals in Microsoft Teams.
Team SolutionsLegal Ops Experts Weigh in on Successful Contract Management Implementation and AdoptionLegal operations experts offer key points for your roadmap to successful contract management implementation and ongoing adoption.
Insights for LeadersThe Benefits of Using Docusign with Microsoft AppsDocusign has expanded its global strategic partnership with Microsoft to accelerate how people collaborate and come to agreement.