DevelopersTrending Topics: Latest from our forums (March 2024)See how our most popular recent threads on Stack Overflow can help you solve your own development issues.Paige Rossi
Common API TasksCommon API Tasks🐈: Find a web form by nameIn his first Web Forms post, Inbar shows you how to use the Web Forms API to find one of your web forms by its name.Inbar Gazit
DevelopersIntroducing HMAC for Partners for Docusign ConnectDocusign now lets partners configure HMAC for Docusign Connect on behalf of their customers. See how.Karan Kaushik
Agreements 101What is a Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)?Your BATNA defines what you’ll do if a negotiation breaks down, and having a strong BATNA is one of the most important bargaining chips you can have.
Agreements 101What is a Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)?A ZOPA is the range of possible compromises all members of a negotiation will agree to. Finding it is the first step to successful negotiation.
DevelopersFrom the Trenches: Authenticate without user interaction via a system userDiscover how to configure your apps for authentication without the need for user interaction by using a system user account.Ahmed Shorim
DevelopersTabs deep dive: Dropdown tabsDiscover dropdown tabs (also known as list tabs) and how to place them in your documents via the eSignature REST API.Paige Rossi
DevelopersDeveloper Spotlight: Charlotte Tao, TrusliCharlotte built Docusign eSignatures into her company's contract automation platform using the eSignature REST API.Matthew Lusher
Team SolutionsIT Leaders Must Drive the Digital Contracting EvolutionCLM that centralizes agreement visibility while integrating with popular LOB tools will lead to a higher adoption rate, better ROI and better business outcomes.