Trending Topics: Latest from our forums (December 2023)

Here are some of the latest popular questions that the Docusign developers community asked on Stack Overflow in the month of December 2023. You too can ask questions by using the tag docusignapi in Stack Overflow.

Thread: Docusign - EnvelopeViews : createCorrect param 'advcorrect' does not work

Summary: The developer is attempting to use the EnvelopeViews: createCorrect endpoint of the Docusign eSignature REST API, which enables a developer to embed the envelope correction view in their application. This developer would like to change where in the correction view the user starts. They want the user to start on the tagger screen, where you just manage the tabs for your envelope, instead of the “prepare” screen, where you manage documents and recipients. 

Answer: There are two ways to control where the user lands when they select the URL created by this endpoint. The first way is in the REST API itself. There’s a parameter called beginOnTagger which if set to “true” changes the behavior of the URL to skip the prepare screen and go to the tagger directly. The second way involves changing the URL that the API returns from this endpoint by adding a query parameter simply called “a”. You can set a=correct or a=tagger to choose which of the two screens will show for the user. 

Common API Tasks🐈: Correct an envelope from your app includes additional information about correcting envelopes using the eSignature SDKs.

Thread: How to send data through api to elastic template? ie how to alter/change this envelope that I have for a regular template that works?

Summary: The developer is trying to use Elastic signing and the Click API using the Python Click SDK. They want to be able to dynamically pass data to the template and were not able to do so.

Answer:  The Dev Center How to embed an elastic signing agreement article details how to do this. Note that the developer did not include the dynamic data inside a document_data object, as is needed. 

The Python code for doing this should look like so:

user_agreement_request = UserAgreementRequest(
    "fullName": args["fullName"], 
    "email": args["email"], 
    "company": args["company"], 
    "title": args["title"], 
    "date": args["date"]

Thread: Failed to fetch Clickwrap details. Status code: 401 and error 500 "an error has occurred"

Summary: The same developer from the previous question is now having an issue getting an access token to be used for their Click API integration. 

Answer: The developer’s specific problem was that they were using the wrong base URL to obtain an access token. This URL is the same for all APIs, and in the developer environment it is, where you make the Authorization Code Grant API call to obtain an access token. It’s also important to note that the Click API uses its own scopes, so when requesting access tokens, you should ask for click.manage and click.send scopes.

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Inbar Gazit
Inbar Gazit
Sr. Manager, Developer Content