Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Don’t get embedded with your in-person signers!In-person signers and embedded signers are two different things. Let us make sure you don't get confused.Geoff Pfander
Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Tabs and Custom FieldsFind out how to set tabs and custom fields using the eSignature API.Drew Martin
Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Working with Headers in Docusign SDKsLearn how you can get useful information from the API HTTP headers while still using the eSignature SDKs.Drew Martin
Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Composite templatesComposite templates are the most extensible model for integration development and can save you much re-engineering time on app updates.Geoff Pfander
Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Sign on PaperIn case it's needed, you can use the eSignature API to allow a recipient to sign on paper.Drew Martin
Developer Support ArticlesFrom the Trenches: Reminders and ExpirationFind out how to use the eSignature REST API to set your own reminders and expiration for an envelope.Drew Martin