Developer Spotlight: Dani Cunningham, UD Group

Dani Cunningham is a Lead Developer at UD Group, UK’s leading end-to-end software solution for the B2B energy and utility sector, and Docusign’s first UK partner and API customer. Dani works on a team that has grown to more than 30 engineers. He created the first integration of Docusign into the original desktop app using Docusign’s eSignature API, and later built it into UD Group’s own API which is now used by many of UD Group’s desktop and web-based applications. Dani's team is already working on advancing the features on the UD Platform.

Dani joined UD Group in 2012 as a Software Developer. He graduated from the University of Manchester with a Physics degree. He lives in Manchester, and in his spare time enjoys programming, developing small games and applications, playing guitar, and going to gigs.

Learn more about UD Group's amazing software innovation in the B2B energy and utility sector and how they integrated Docusign into their business processes by incorporating the eSignature API in this API success story.

Tony Mann
Tony Mann
Director of Developer Content