Developer Spotlight: Aaron Jackson-Wilde, Docusign

Spotlight Developer, Aaron Jackson-Wilde

Aaron Jackson-Wilde has been wrangling equal signs and curly braces for about nine years. Graduating from San Jose State University in business management, Aaron entered the workforce and became a database administrator, then a NetSuite certified operations manager, before he found his way into software development. In August 2013, with the possession of a couple of FPGA Bitcoin miners, Aaron took it upon himself to figure out "running Python". That small task encouraged him to keep on trying, and before he knew it, he had amassed time and experience yelling at his computer screen in the cruel unforgiving languages of Javascript, PHP, and Python, while pulling his hair out over the lack of really dialing in that CSS3 experience that he "should' really catch up on, "one day", he mumbles. He's worked for cryptocurrency exchanges; as a website developer, released a mobile app in 2016 on Android and iOS; was a solutions architect; and at some point was a penetration tester for a European Bitcoin exchange, after accidentally hacking their hot wallet. Aaron was brought on board to work for Docusign in 2019 and spends his days here putting out fires or building bridges to cool new features.

Among Aaron’s many projects at Docusign is a Node.js-flavored access token generator to help JavaScript developers quickly implement Docusign-compatible OAuth 2.0 authentication flows so that they can more quickly get to working on the juicy tidbits of their integration. He's also contributed to maintaining and expanding the Quickstart wizard, and to writing different code examples found in the Docusign Developer Center. He's worked on the Docusign Postman collections in the past and felt it would be helpful to mention that it was an excellent opportunity to learn about the capabilities of the eSignature REST API.

It turns out that while not busy playing Jenga with semicolons, Aaron enjoys streaming content production to Twitch and Youtube. He wanted me to end this out with saying, "check it out if you're into cool shizz", whatever that means. Thanks Aaron, keep up the great work.

Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Sr. Programmer Writer