Insights for LeadersHow Maersk is driving value from electronic signatures and Docusign Insight At this year’s Momentum, we look at how Maersk (the world's largest integrated shipping company) is driving value from e-signatures, AI and contract analytics.
Insights for LeadersUnderstanding the concept of digital securityWhat is digital security? A guide to digital security - protect your organisation and individuals using technology, processes and cybersecurity practices.
Insights for LeadersIntroducing easy and secure way to sign with qualified electronic signature in Belgium & The NetherlandsDocusign and itsme® have joined forces to offer qualified electronic signatures for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Learn more about here.
Insights for LeadersIntroducing eWitness with Authentication for HM Land Registry Witnessed Electronic SignaturesDocusign eWitness can be used for fast and secure Witnessed Electronic Signatures that align with HM Land Registry guidance. Discover more in this blog.
Insights for LeadersA Conversation with Dr. Jane Goodall: "We're Going to Put the Trees Back"Dr. Goodall explores how tree planting efforts serve to both replenish our forests, as well as recruit more people into the movement to protect them.
Insights for LeadersThe impact of Brexit on electronic signaturesAs the UK has now withdrawn from the EU, it's important to examine Brexit's impact on e-signatures. Here we examine UK e-signature laws and regulations.
Insights for LeadersUnited Against HateA message from Trâm Phi, Docusign SVP, General Counsel and Executive Sponsor of Docusign Pan-Asian Voices for Equity (PAVE).