
Create a Smooth, Engaging Customer Experience with IAM for CX

Helena Gassull
Helena GassullHelena Gassull
Summary8 min read

IAM for CX is the application for organisations striving to meet modern customer expectations in today’s highly competitive business landscape.

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IAM for CX is the Docusign Intelligent Agreement Management (IAM) application for organisations striving to meet modern customer expectations in today’s highly competitive business landscape.

We've designed this application to streamline the customer journey by eliminating many of the redundant interactions and manual processes commonly found in customer agreement workflows. 

A clunky customer experience threatens your bottom line

We’ve all been there as customers: Painstakingly entering all of our personal data, often redundantly, from one form to the next – all in a desperate bid to get the product or service we need. Not only is this frustrating for customers, but it’s also frustrating for you as a business, as there are often manual, redundant processes rife with errors.

Expecting your customers to just put up with this poor experience is a surefire way to frustrate and ultimately lose them down the line, especially if the competition has a more streamlined, user-friendly agreement process.

And all those errors? They lead to delays as you send back documents for correction, which inevitably adds to your cost of acquisition and causes further frustration and possible abandonment from your customers. Deloitte released a new report that identifies the costly and negative impacts of poor agreement processes and tools on customer experience. It shows that inefficient agreement management processes lead to a nearly 1.8 billion euro loss in annual global economic value, with 66% of customer support survey respondents reporting inefficient agreement workflows as a driver for negative customer satisfaction.

IAM for CX helps you capture and convert loyal customers

Repair the inefficient agreement touchpoints across your entire customer journey. IAM for CX helps you streamline and automate manual customer interactions and steps, such as data entry and identity verification, so customers complete forms and applications faster and you can maximise your reach and conversions. Lower the cost of sales and increase customer satisfaction simply by making it easier for customers to do business with you.

Check out some of the important platform services and powerful tools included with IAM for CX below. 

Leverage the most powerful version of eSignature

We’ve included our Enterprise version of Docusign eSignature with IAM for CX, so your business can leverage the most powerful version of eSignature within your customer agreement process.

This is the most powerful version of eSignature, and it comes with a host of powerful tools and functionalities. 

  • Docusign Admin centralises the management of your users, accounts, administrators and single sign-on (SSO). Designed for eSignature account administrators, save time through centralised user and account management, secure and control your company assets and corporate use of Docusign, and efficiently onboard and remove users. 

  • Data Verification is a type of custom field that connects seamlessly with third-party apps to verify important information, such as phone numbers or email addresses – all in real time. 

  • Bulk Send lets you send agreements to everyone on a specified list (via CSV file) to save you time and effort. 

  • Multi-channel delivery lets you send Docusign agreements via various channels, such as email, SMS and WhatsApp. All you need is your Docusign account, email address and phone number to use this feature. 

  • Advanced Workflows allow you to speed up your agreement workflows, gaining additional flexibility and extra control over your agreement processes. You’ll get access to multiple features like Conditional Routing, Signing Groups and Shared Access, among a variety of other features. 

Eliminate bottlenecks with Maestro

Connect all the different pieces of your customer agreement stack and arrange them precisely as you’d like with Maestro’s codeless workflow builder. By arranging the pieces of the agreement process to suit your customers’ needs and remove unnecessary barriers, you can eliminate bottlenecks that cause your customers to bounce from valuable interactions.

Maestro integrates with the Docusign App Centre, so you can easily use CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, payment processing applications like Stripe, and other popular applications. With these powerful tools deployed into your workflow, Maestro helps you connect and arrange all the necessary steps without manually stitching them together or dropping your customers out of the digital experience altogether.

Additionally, Maestro applies logic that verifies if a customer moves along or is terminated from each step of the agreement process, depending on their eligibility or specific circumstances. You can ensure your business is serving the right customers and that your agreements comply with rules and regulations specific to your geographic and industry standards (i.e. eIDAS).

Simplify customer form-filling with Web Forms

One of the biggest challenges in creating a seamless customer experience (CX) lies in eliminating redundancies from the customer’s end of the interaction. This is where Docusign Web Forms comes in handy for businesses interested in streamlining their customers’ form-filling experience.

Web Forms creates a customised signing experience that dynamically captures customer data and then populates it into an agreement ready for signature. Conditional rules ensure that customers don’t have to sift through irrelevant fields to enter their information, saving them time and eliminating hassle.

Additionally, Web Forms generates a custom URL that you can easily embed on your website or share via email for maximum flexibility in your marketing and outreach efforts. It also works with Maestro; you can leverage this workflow builder to seamlessly connect Web Forms to other parts of your customer agreement process.

Learn how to use Web Forms on this Get Started page, which has helpful resources to get you started with this interactive form-filling experience. 

Efficiently verify customer identity 

Quickly and easily verify your customers’ identities, all without requiring them to drop out of the customer agreement workflow you’ve created, with Docusign ID Verification. IAM for CX includes 50 uses of ID Verification per full-time user, per year. This gives you the ability to quickly verify your customers’ identities and do so in a manner that’s flexible, secure and intuitive to follow.

We’ve included this feature as we know that sending a separate email to verify customer identity is both time consuming and risks causing them to drop out of their agreement workflow altogether. Now, you can integrate state-of-the-art identity verification into your agreement workflow, requiring signatories to upload a copy of their government-issued identity document, complete biometric checks or use their eID before accessing the agreement. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the Docusign portfolio of identity verification solutions, visit our web page here

Use the most secure type of signature Electronic signatures are widely accepted as part of a modern system of agreement. But some industries and specific use cases across the UK and EU may require digital signatures, which offer a heightened level of identity assurance through digital certificates. Whether you require Simple (SES), Advanced (AES) or Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES), and no matter where you are or what your use case is, IAM for CX enables you to continue securing your important agreements with an extensive portfolio of digital signatures from Docusign. If you’re interested in learning more about Docusign digital signatures, visit our landing page

Example: New account opening

See how IAM for CX works, based on this new account opening example. Walk through the steps below to see how this application provides a comprehensive end-to-end solution for organisations interested in building a smooth, streamlined customer experience.

  1. Initial engagement. Starts when a customer shows interest via your website or app. A customer signs your terms and conditions via embedded signing using Docusign. 

  2. ID verification (IDV). Docusign employs digital identity verification (IDV), so you can be sure of each customer’s identity. They’ll need to provide additional documentation here and can also use our liveness detection to ensure your signatories are real and their faces match their IDs.

  3. Registration. Personal customer data from IDV is automatically pushed into Web Forms, saving your customers valuable time and energy. Web Forms capture additional information from your customers, available via a shareable/embeddable URL.

  4.  Branch logic. Conditionally initiate additional forms, as necessary for your customers, based on Maestro’s Branch Logic. Examples you might use this for include tax residency and joint ownership. 

  5. Completion. Data is dynamically populated into customer agreements before being stored in your Google Drive or other popular storage platform. 

Give your business a competitive edge with IAM for CX

Provide your business with the competitive advantage needed to excel in today’s competitive landscape with IAM for CX. 

Visit the Docusign Pricing and Packaging page for more in-depth information on this application, including its pricing, core capabilities and main features, all designed to delight your customers and ultimately have them coming back for more.

Docusign IAM for CXDiscover it now!

Helena Gassull
Helena GassullHelena Gassull

Demand and Content Marketing Manager EMEA || Docusign

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