
Docusign and Workday: A Powerful Integration for HR

Summary7 min read

The Docusign and Workday electronic signature integration brings Docusign into your Workday environment, helping eliminate manual, paper-based processes.

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In recent years, Workday has become an indispensable tool for HR teams around the world seeking to operate more efficiently. But are these teams getting everything they can out of their Workday investment?

That’s where the Docusign eSignature and Workday integration can make a huge difference. By seamlessly bringing Docusign features and functionality into the Workday environment, manual, paper-based processes are eliminated. Agreements can be signed from almost any device, making it easier and faster to sign. Workflows become more efficient as agreements and approvals move from one team to another. And once documents are signed, sensitive employee files can be stored and securely distributed, with complete audit trails. 

A new level of simplicity, efficiency, and security

Built and managed by Workday as part of its powerful Business Process Framework, the Docusign and Workday integration is capable of streamlining 400+ business processes including HCM, student, payroll and financial management. The Docusign integration makes HR workflows seamless, enabling you to accomplish all tasks right within the Workday app. Forms using the correct templates can be easily made. Routing approvals can be customized with each process. With no mailing, faxing or manual filing required, HR teams are reducing agreement turnaround times by up to 80% using the integration.

One of the most significant benefits HR teams realize quickly with the Docusign and Workday integration is how it enables Workday to act as a central repository for all candidate and employee data. You can pre-populate any HR documents and quickly send, receive and track them from a single application. All of this goes a long way to reducing agreement turnaround times and increasing the efficiency of your HR team.

The integration takes these efficiencies even further by automating the signature part of the process to make agreement turnaround times faster than you’ve ever imagined. Let’s take a look at how it speeds up a process that every HR professional would truly appreciate making more efficient—the offer letter process.

First, you open up Workday and create an offer letter for your candidate. You quickly check the auto-populated information (job title, start date, salary, etc.) and then sign in seconds using the integrated Docusign electronic signature functionality. With one click, you send the letter to the candidate. Seconds later, the candidate logs into Workday on any device, views the offer letter and signs on the spot. The entire process is trackable at every step, and the completed offer letter is automatically routed back to the candidate’s Workday profile. For each document, Docusign eSignature automatically generates and stores a complete, time-stamped history of every send, view, print, sign or decline action.

Similar streamlined and automated processes can be applied for every agreement your employees have to sign—from onboarding documents to annual HR processes to offboarding. Some of the most common HR documents that Docusign and Workday integrations help facilitate include:

  • Offer letters

  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

  • Benefits enrollment

  • Contractor agreements

  • Termination certificates

  • State Tax Withholding forms

  • Direct Deposit/Payroll agreements

  • Compensation plans

  • Employee Handbook acknowledgement forms

  • Drug test consent agreements

  • Confidentiality and security agreements

The exponential power of integration with Workday

The Docusign and Workday integration makes your entire Workday experience much more powerful than it already is—shaving time off routine tasks, expediting forms completion, minimizing errors, and enabling signature from anywhere at any time. You’ll be able to:

Automate the agreement process. The integration offers an intuitive signing experience across virtually any device without leaving Workday. There’s no need to print, sign, scan, fax, mail and file paper documents. Iit also eliminates the need to manually enter existing candidate and employee data into contracts and agreements.

Simplify the HR process. Leverage automated workflows and get more done faster and more efficiently. 

Enhance security and compliance. All signed forms receive a tamper-proof virtual seal and are securely stored in Workday, where you can quickly and easily view signature history and have a complete audit trail. 

Send employee agreements in bulk. With the Docusign Bulk Send feature, you can send agreements to multiple candidates or employees with one click. This is especially useful for seasonal hiring, company policy updates and annual signings such as benefit re-ups.

Improve the candidate and employee experience. Keep your prospective employees and internal teams productive and efficient with an eSignature tool that enables them to sign and send agreements virtually.

Get an immediate ROI. Our pre-built integration is easy to deploy, and you’ll see an immediate return on your investment through reduced paper-related costs and faster turnaround times. Docusign customers report an average savings of $36 per document.

Digital transformation all along the employee journey

With the automation of so many manual processes, HR departments can finally achieve the kind of truly transformational experience they often envision when investing in new technologies. Before digitizing their HR agreements, Salesforce hired candidates the traditional, paper-based way. It was a slow, messy process that strained HR staff and frustrated candidates.

According to Summer Ford, Global ES(HR) Strategic Program Management at Salesforce, the old process required an executive to be physically in the office to sign contracts on pen and paper, and for candidates to return signed agreements via mail or fax (if they could even find a fax machine!). 

Needless to say, the new digitized process is both far more efficient and friendlier.

Docusign has changed the way we recruit and hire employees. At this point, the team can’t believe that we used to manage hiring by sending everything out on paper.

Summer FordGlobal ES(HR) Strategic Program Management, Salesforce

The HR team at healthcare staffing firm ScribeAmerica has achieved a similar transformation using the Docusign and Workday integration. 

As the company rapidly grew from 1,200 employees in 2012 to more than 21,000 today, SVP of IT Daniel Tehrani realized that in order to handle this huge staff influx they needed to make their HR operations much more efficient. In particular, their manual, paper-based hiring and onboarding processes were simply too slow and mistake-prone to accommodate the 1,500 new employees they needed to process every month.

Not only did the Docusign and Workday integration enable ScribeAmerica to quickly and successfully streamline its hiring and onboarding processes, but Tehrani and his team are so pleased with the results they’re looking for ways to integrate Docusign with their other backend systems. “It’s exciting to see all the different things we can do outside the integration we’re currently using,” Tehrani says. “As we continue to grow, we’re assessing where can we fit this into our existing processes, and how it can help us to be more efficient.” 

Docusign and Workday brings automation to HR

Docusign integrations work with today’s most dynamic and widely-used office technologies. Our integration with Microsoft and Salesforce have helped thousands of sales and legal professionals work smarter and faster. Now, HR teams can enjoy these same benefits.

As Laura Clontz, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy & Operations at Procore puts it, “For a hypergrowth company, achieving automation quickly in all of our processes is a top priority. Implementing the Docusign and Workday integration was our quick win in getting automation in place within HR.”

Today’s HR teams are under ever-growing pressure to quickly fill job vacancies, close skill gaps and deliver positive experiences to employees. The Docusign and Workday integration can help you meet these challenges head-on, while getting the most out of your Workday investment.  

To learn more, visit Docusign eSignature solutions for Workday.

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