Team SolutionsDigitizing Legal Contracts: 12 Steps for Simplifying Contract Management Learn how to digitize legal contracts across your organization with these 12 steps.
Team Solutions6 Tips to Modernize the Contract Procurement ProcessSee how electronic signature and other contract solutions can help streamline contract procurement to give suppliers better and faster experiences.
Team SolutionsDigital Release of Liability Forms for a Better Customer ExperienceRelease of liability forms can be signed faster and stored more securely while taking up less space than paper forms. Learn more about how Docusign can help.
Team SolutionsScaling Client Contracting at a Global Business With EaseWe spoke with Heidrick & Struggles’ VP of Business Operations, Catherine Baderman, about how the recruitment firm brought more speed to client contracting.
Team SolutionsUsing Remote Online Notarization for AffidavitsLearn how remote online notarization (RON) can save time in notarizing important legal documents like affidavits.
Team SolutionsUsing Remote Online Notarization for Loyalty Oath FormsLoyalty oaths are time-sensitive legal agreements. Remote online notarization (RON) can save time and reduce hassle for all parties.
Team SolutionsSmart Organizations Prepare for Unsteady Economy by Increasing IT BudgetsHow do IT leaders prioritize investments that will deliver immediate ROI and set the stage for long-term economic growth?
Team SolutionsTop Priorities for IT Leaders to Support Hybrid Work EnvironmentsStrengthening collaboration between IT and lines of businesses is a top priority for both IT teams and their stakeholders.
Team SolutionsHow the Marketing and Advertising Agencies Benefit from Electronic SignaturesHere are some common ways advertisers and marketers are using eSignature in their day-to-day operations.