Insights for LeadersEngagedMD Improves Fertility Patient Experiences With DocusignWith Docusign solutions, EngagedMD has helped clinics save up to two hours per patient on consent appointments and free up valuable treatment time.
Agreements 101Using Electronic Signature to Help Manage HIPAA FormsIs electronic signature allowed under HIPAA? Yes. HIPAA does not mandate that documents be signed in a particular way.Yasamin Yousefi
Insights for LeadersA Conversation with Patrick Hale, CIO of VITAS HealthcareWe talked to Hale about how VITAS has leaned on technology, including Docusign, to maintain compliance—while building lasting efficiencies—in the new landscape.
Insights for LeadersHow to Optimize Patient Engagement During a Crisis (and Beyond)Learn how Docusign and Kno2 helped a nationally recognized medical group improve the patient experience and create lasting efficiencies.
Insights for LeadersElectronic Signature for Healthcare Patient FormsImprove the patient experience by using e-signature for patient consent and HIPAA release forms
Insights for LeadersIntroducing Dr. Benton, President & CEO of Hospice SavannahWe talked to Dr. Benton about technology in healthcare and its impact on the patient experience.
HealthcareHow Technology Improves the Healthcare Experience—For Patients and ProvidersLearn how advanced document management technology is helping their healthcare organizations prepare for the digital future of healthcare.
HealthcareCan Improving the Patient Experience Address Healthcare Inequality?Improving productivity through integrated end-to-end document management can eliminate some of the major healthcare roadblocks faced by underserved populations.
HealthcareThe Future of Healthcare Is Digital: 5 Reasons to Bring Your Practice OnlineEliminating manual processes will prepare you for the digital future of healthcare while providing patients with a safer and more personalized experience.