Docusign at Twilio SIGNAL - Know Before You Go!

We’re back! The Docusign Developer team is attending and sponsoring Twilio SIGNAL 2019 in San Francisco, CA on August 6th & 7th. As a Maker Level sponsor, we’re excited to chat with fellow developers on how to accelerate and simplify the ways we prepare, sign, act on, and manage agreements with the Docusign Agreement Cloud APIs.

Our booth (#13) will be the place to be. We’ll be demonstrating new tools and challenges, giving away SWAG, and answering all your questions about our APIs. Specifically, this year we will be showcasing a Customized Examples Microservice, a new “Make your first API Call” Challenge, and bringing back our popular raffle app. All three of these applications make use of Docusign’s eSignature API

Customized Examples Microservice

In our booth, expect to get a demo of a shiny, new tool that will expedite your Docusign development. The Customized Examples Microservice enables developers to quickly download and use a code example launcher which has been fully customized with a Docusign integration key, the secret or private key, and the appropriate redirect URL for signing. Each launcher (available in various programming languages) comes equipped with more than a dozen of the most popular uses of our eSignature API, each of which utilizes either Authorization Code Grant Flow or the JWT Grant flow. 

“Make your first API call” Challenge

Our API challenge is hosted on a new tool called DocuLabs. DocuLabs is a self-paced, in-browser learning environment where developers can interactively use Docusign APIs. Because DocuLabs is self-contained, users can jump straight into coding instead of setting up a development environment, which makes the experience fast and easy.

Docusign Yourself into Our Raffle 

When you stop by our booth, you’ll have the opportunity to Docusign yourself into our raffle. To make this possible, Tony Mann, our Developer Content Director, created an awesome raffle application powered by Docusign and Azure. The app collects basic user information, passes that data to Envelopes::CreateEnvelope, sends a raffle reminder to each entrant via email, and selects a winner at random using Envelopes::GetEnvelope and a random number generator. The raffle winner will receive a Nintendo Switch! 

In the meantime—or if you’re unable to attend—be sure to read our recap following the event and check out all of our other great Docusign developer resources:

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