Hacking the Future at SD Hacks 2017

On Friday October 20, over 1000 students arrived in sunny La Jolla, California, for SD Hacks 2017, hosted on campus at UC San Diego’s RIMAC gym. Over the next 36 hours, participants would form teams and submit 97 total projects in hopes of winning tens of thousands of dollars in prizes from sponsors and bragging rights with their peers. Students got to go hands on with everything from Arduinos to Oculus Rift headsets while making new friends and learning new technologies.

1000+ students hard at work at UCSD’s RIMAC gym

Students hard at work on a VR game

3D printers were among the tools available to participants

At Docusign we love sponsoring and attending hackathons - the energy and innovation is contagious and we also get valuable feedback on our developer tools and documentation.

Docusign engineers Nick Reed and Naveen Gopala doing some debugging with students

This year, Docusign came prepared with bigger and better prizes to reward students solving tough problems and building innovative solutions using our e-signature API. After 30+ hours of coding, two teams emerged victorious with their solutions.

Team Docusign at SD Hacks 2017

Team “Sign My Syllabus” built a web application that makes it easy for educators, parents and students to sign off on a syllabus at the beginning of the school year. Sign My Syllabus uses Twilio’s API to send SMS reminders to parents and students when syllabi require e-signatures via Docusign. Once the documents are signed, the teacher can be notified again via Twilio or via the web portal, which shows the syllabus’ updated Docusign status. Congratulations on winning the $2000 first prize, Sign My Syllabus!

Sign My Syllabus

Team “Permit Palace” participated in the Marine Innovation challenge and built a solution to make the lives of the men and women serving our country easier. A number of paper forms currently used by the military need to be retained for an extended amount of time, and as you may know, Docusign is all about eliminating paper. We also love simplifying the retention of important documents. Permit Palace makes it easy for Marines to e-sign forms and then makes it easy for those administering the forms to track which forms have been signed and which are outstanding. Of course, Docusign then safely stores those forms, creating a solution that will hopefully simplify the process going forward. Congratulations Permit Palace on winning the second prize of $1000!

Permit Palace

Looking to get started with your own hacking project? Check-out these additional resources:
