Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions – Demos with Dewey Wald

The Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions video series covers ground from basic to complex Docusign API use, as well as insights from our experts on best practices to take your organization from code to commerce.

In our two latest videos, we’re doing something different. I sit down and talk with Dewey Wald, Docusign’s Principal Software Architect, and we are adding his demos to the mix. Dewey has been at Docusign for nearly a decade, and he’s an exceptional resource for learning about Docusign features from basic to complex and everything in between.

Watch Docusign Developer – Conditional Field Logic Demo and see Dewey demonstrate how he improves the signup form his basketball league uses, taking it from “blah” to “rah.” Our discussion and demo centers on the Docusign conditional field feature, which allows you to manage sets of fields driven by specific predefined actions.

In this second demo and discussion with Dewey, you get to see a PowerForm integration scenario creating a template, converting it to a PowerForm, and the integration of a button to launch the form from your site. Watch Docusign Developer – PowerForm Integration Demo:

For the latest in this series, visit the Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions YouTube playlist, sign up for our developer newsletter and follow us on Twitter.

Aaron Liao is Director of Developer Evangelism and a lifelong tinkerer. His current projects outside of Docusign include various cryptocurrencies, his open-hardware Novena laptop, software-defined radio and various reverse engineering pursuits. He can be found on a soapbox talking about the eSignature API at a variety of developer conferences and hackathons.
