Developers take center stage at Momentum 2019, Docusign’s annual customer conference

Register here.

Would you like to test drive all the new Docusign APIs–beyond our eSignature API? Would you like to understand–and get your hands on–the new eSignature API we will unveil at our annual conference called Momentum? How about competing in a hackathon for a great cause, cool swag, and cold cash? Or just get some one-on-one help with your Docusign integration?

And did we mention that it’s totally free for developers to attend?

Join thousands of customers and hundreds of developers at Momentum and our Momentum hackathon the week of June 8-13 in San Francisco.

Our annual hackathon will be hosted at the hacker space Galvanize SF in downtown San Francisco on June 8-9. In addition to the opportunity to compete for a grand prize of $2,500 and other cash prizes, hackathon participants will get two days of free food, special workshops and labs from us and our sponsors. You’ll also get the opportunity to participate in our “Hack for Good” challenge for a cause near and dear to our hearts–preserving the environment, and the opportunity to be among the first to use new Docusign APIs we’re rolling out. Come play with our new features and tools and win!

Hackathon details and registration here.

And for those of you already in town for the whole Momentum conference, participation in the hackathon also gets you free access to the regular conference later that week, so come for both. Here are some of the great things in store for you at Momentum:

  • One-on-one technical tuning sessions for personalized help with your integration
  • Access to our developer lounge with coding puzzles, swag challenges, and more
  • Over 20 breakout sessions, including these hands-on workshops on totally new Docusign API endpoints and tools:
    • Docusign Click
    • Responsive Signing
    • Org Admin API
    • Newest version of our award-winning eSignature API
    • And much more
  • A deep dive into the Docusign APIs / developer roadmap
  • On-demand access to our developers and technical staff–come get all your questions answered!

The Momentum main event is June 11-13. Register here. FREE for developers.

Come build with us.

Caly Heasman
Caly Heasman
Developer and Admin Advocacy Director
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