Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions – Org Admin

The Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions video series covers ground from basic to complex Docusign API use, as well as insights from our experts on best practices to speed up your development.

In this episode we’re sitting down with Danny Luoma, Senior Engineering Manager, to talk about our new Organization Administration (Org Admin) API, which allows developers to configure and administer users and accounts in multi-domain and multi-account organizations.

For administrators of complex Docusign accounts, including for organizations with multiple domains and accounts, Org Admin centralizes management of users, accounts, and Single Sign-on (SSO). It allows you to protect and manage corporate assets with the security of SSO, domain level controls, and the administration of all corporate users. This includes being able to search for a user across all your accounts and domains, then manage that user's permissions centrally—all via the Org Admin API.

Danny walks us through one of Org Admin’s most powerful use cases: the ability to automatically activate users via the API without a user needing to receive an activation email. We dig into the /users endpoint and Danny uses the Swagger UI to show how developers can use the activateMembership() method to automatically activate users within an account.

Ready to get started? Our developer community can get started with these features by heading to the Docusign Developer Center and by speaking to an account representative.

Watch Docusign Developer – Org Admin

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Caly Heasman
Caly Heasman
Developer and Admin Advocacy Director