Trending Topics: Latest from our forums (June 2022)

Here are some of the latest popular questions that the Docusign developers community asked on Stack Overflow in the month of June 2022. You too can ask questions by using the tag docusignapi in Stack Overflow.

Thread: Docusign, Node SDK, JWT auth, Envelope fetch, "The custom error module does not recognize this error."

Summary: The developer is trying to use the Docusign eSignature Node SDK and use the Docusign eSignature REST API and is getting an error with HTTP code 444.

Answer: The root cause of this problem had to do with a security change made on the Docusign servers that are used to handle API requests. The specific error was returned when a GET HTTP request was made with a body that was an empty object. The change expected the body to be undefined instead of an empty object {}, so it threw the 444 error (vs. a completely empty/null body for the HTTP request). This issue only impacted the Node.js SDK because it was the only one that sent {} in the body of GET requests. Docusign reverted the change on the servers, so that {} will not throw an error, but the Node.js SDK was also patched and the newest version will not send a {} for GET requests that don’t expect a body. This means that in a future time, Docusign may make the change once again and Node.js developers will have to upgrade their version of the SDK. Read the GitHub report of this issue.

Thread: Dynamically adding Signature Tags to a Docusign custom base64 pdf content through API in php

Summary: This developer is building an integration with the eSignature REST API using PHP. They are attempting to create an envelope from a template and also add new tabs while assigning recipients roles. They do not see the new tabs show up on the envelope they created.

Answer: When using a template to create an envelope, the template may have placeholders for recipients. These are called roles. In the code that generates the envelope, you have to use templateRole objects to specify recipients for the template. While doing that, the original tabs that were created as part of the template are applied to the recipients specified in the templateRoles. However, if you want to also add new tabs at this point, you will have to do this by making a separate API call, after the envelope is created. This is the EnvelopeRecipientTabs:create call, which can be used to add new tabs to a recipient of an existing envelope. Another option is to use composite templates. With composite templates you have greater flexibility of mixing templates, documents, recipients, and tabs in any way you want to generate the template you need.

Thread: How to generate Docusign embedded signing url from apex?

Summary: The developer is using the Docusign Apex toolkit in a Salesforce Community organization. They want to generate a URL to be used for embedded signing

Answer: Please follow the instructions in the How to use embedded signing article, which provides step-by-step instructions for using the Apex toolkit to generate an embedded signing URL and redirecting the user in Salesforce to it. Note as well that you must first configure your Docusign eSignature for Salesforce and ensure the user that is logged in to Docusign has permission to send envelopes. 

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Inbar Gazit
Inbar Gazit
Sr. Manager, Developer Content