Developer Spotlight: Mark Hanson, SAP

Spotlight Developer, Mark Hanson

Mark Hanson is a graduate of the University of Iowa MA in MIS program with a minor in Computer Science and has been working as a software developer for the past 20 years. He started out as a Java developer focusing on web application development, but transitioned into workflow development consulting using scripting languages, including JavaScript and Groovy. Workflow development requires integration with many third-party APIs, which makes the work challenging and interesting.

Mark works at SAP and supports numerous workflow clients that make use of Docusign integration for prefilling and generating documents. The ease of use in integrating Docusign with the SAP Workflow product using the Docusign eSignature REST API has greatly helped in delivering reliable software for his clients. This past December, due to a year-end environment migration, one of Mark's clients faced a deadline of transitioning to the new OAuth2 authentication framework using Authorization Code Grant. Mark and his colleagues encountered some issues while making the transition, but were able to collaborate with a Docusign Developer Support engineer to work through these issues and make the transition to OAuth2 and migrate to the new environment. This effort was completed with time to spare before their Jan 1 deadline, resulting in a satisfied client. Going through this exercise will also be helpful as a reference for other clients with OAuth2 migrations scheduled for this year.

When not developing software at SAP, Mark enjoys hiking with his wife on the many trails in the Pacific Northwest and cheering on his daughters at their high school basketball games.


Matt Lusher
Matthew Lusher
Sr. Programmer Writer