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Trust Center


Docusign wants to help you protect yourself from online security threats. Below are several resources designed to do that, including:

  • Practical advice on how to reduce risk by combating common Internet-themed threats, such as business email compromise, phishing, and brute-force attacks

  • An overview of controls that you can apply to reduce risk to an acceptable level

  • Additional video guidance from Docusign’s security thought leaders

Workstation security

Install anti-virus software and ensure it’s enabled and kept up-to-date. Apply vendor-recommended security patches on a frequent basis.

Public computers/Internet cafes

Exercise caution using public computers. Web browsers can cache personal data and store login details. Always log off websites and clear the browser cache when done using a public computer to protect your personal information, passwords, and accounts.

Safeguard IDs and passwords

Keep your user IDs and passwords safe by following these tips:

  • Use a strong password that’s difficult for others to guess, and avoid birthdays, names, and pet names

  • Never write down your password or share it with others

  • Never provide your Docusign account login or password, credit card number, or other personal information via email or to unknown parties

Note: Docusign will never ask you for your password.

Filtering email attachments

Quarantine any emails from the Internet with potentially harmful attachments, such as .zip and .exe file types. The only attachments Docusign sends in email are PDFs.

Combating phishing and malware

Read our “Dealing with Malware” blog post.

For advice on how to proactively battle phishing, and identify brand impersonation, read the following resources: