Creating electronic signatures online
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Contract signing with electronic signatures is fast and easy!
Sign documents with a click, not a pen. Creating electronic signatures online is fast, simple and secure. No need to track people down, schedule appointments or spend hours preparing paperwork, then chasing people to sign, Docusign eSignature automates it all.
Docusign eSignature is an electronic signature application that’s used to legally—and securely—get approval online in electronic agreements. Used to replace handwritten signatures and manual processes, creating e-signatures online speeds the agreement process and maximizes productivity.
Try Docusign eSignature now for free!
What is an electronic signature?
You create electronic signatures online, inside of e-signing apps, and apply them to online documents. Instead of signing by pen, you receive a request for your signature via email. All the signing happens online under strict security policies. Read our blog “Are Electronic Signatures Safe” to learn more.
How do you create an electronic signature in Docusign eSignature?
If you’re the Sender, you send an agreement in three easy steps:
Upload your document into the electronic signature application, such as our Docusign eSignature application.
Drag in the signature, text and date fields.
Click send. The electronic signature application will email a link to the recipient so they can access the document and sign.
If you’re the Signer, you execute your signature in five simple steps:
Open the email with a request to digitally sign your document.
Click the link. Your document should open in an electronic signature tool such as our Docusign eSignature application.
Agree to electronic signing. You may be asked to agree to sign. After confirming agreement and if the document was sent via Docusign eSignature, you should see tags with instructions to Start or Sign.
Click each tag and follow the instructions to add your electronic signature where required to sign or initial.
Verify your identity and follow the instructions to add your electronic signature.
Creating electronic signatures online is fast and easy. Try Docusign eSignature for free!