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Build securely with APIs and Extension Types

  • A red cube is connected to a white cube on a blue background

    Integrate with Agreement APIs

    Create seamless customer experiences in third-party products with embeddable data and views.

  • Docusign Marketplace for Extension Apps

    Develop Extension Apps

    Bring third-party products into Docusign for seamless customer experiences.

  • A diagram showing a workflow

    Build Automated Workflows

    Create custom processes to meet your end-to-end agreement needs.

16 results in All APIs

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16 results in All APIs

Agreement APIs

Scale your Docusign integration with Docusign APIs. Our award-winning APIs let you customize and extend the functionality of your apps to meet your unique needs.

eSignature REST API

RecommendedAgreement APIs
With more than 400 endpoints, you can solve any challenge in your workflow with just a few lines of code.
See Documentation

Maestro API

BetaAgreement APIs
Create and manage branching end-to-end Maestro workflows that can extend beyond getting an agreement through eSignature.
BetaAgreement APIs
Get access to AI-extracted data from the Navigator smart agreement repository. Analyze your existing agreements, extract insights, and connect agreement data to your business systems.

Web Forms API

RecommendedAgreement APIs
Leverage the power of Web Forms in your agreement processes with greater flexibility to manage forms using your own code.

Click API

Agreement APIs
A simple REST API for capturing consent to standard terms with a single click.

Notary API

BetaAgreement APIs
Expose notary-specific endpoints to compliment the eSignature API and quickly trigger remote online notarization sessions.

Extension Types

Extension Types are specialized integrations that connect Docusign with external systems, enhancing your end-to-end agreement processes.

Data Verification

Extension Types
Enable real-time verification to ensure data like phone numbers and email addresses are correct before finishing signing.

Data IO

Extension Types
Enable reading and writing data from and to third-party systems of record in agreement creation and automation experiences

File Archive

Extension Types
Enable reading and writing documents from and to cloud storage platforms and systems of record.

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