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Electronically sign documents

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Electronically signing documents is easy

To sign a document electronically, upload the document to an electronic signature tool, like Docusign eSignature, add your signature with a click, and email the signed document where it needs to go. 

How can I eSign documents for free?

eSign or e-sign means to electronically sign a document. You can sign a document on practically any device – your computer, tablet, or smartphone – with the use of an electronic signature app.

How do I create an eSign document?

You can electronically sign a document or agreement for free using Docusign.

  1. Create a free account

  2. Upload the document you want to sign

  3. Drag and drop your signature onto the document

  4. Email the document

See all the features of Docusign eSignature for individuals

Can I eSign this document?

Electronic signatures can be used for both personal and business documents and agreements. Some examples of the types of things you can eSign include:

  • Purchase orders

  • Offer letters

  • Sales contracts 

  • Rental agreements

  • Lease agreements 

  • Real estate agreements

  • Loan agreements

  • Permission slips

  • Liability waivers

Electronic signatures are widely used and accepted in the United States for many types of agreements. The ESIGN Act signed in 2000 gave electronic records and signatures the same weight and legal effect as traditional paper documents and handwritten signatures. To learn more about the ESIGN Act see our eSignature Legality Guide.

Let’s agree better  

  • 82% of Docusign eSignature agreements are completed in less than 24 hours and 50% in less than 15 minutes.

  • Docusign eSignature saves organizations an average of $36 per document compared to traditional manual paper processes.

Try eSignature, sign up for a no-obligation 30-day free trial.

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