Create a signature online for free
Create a signature online for free with DocuSign
Use DocuSign to create a free online signature for signing documents electronically. Create electronic signatures online by drawing your signature on any computer, tablet, or mobile device.
It’s time-consuming and costly to print, mail, fax, and overnight documents. With DocuSign, you can create a signature, sign and send with a few clicks.
How to create an electronic signature online:
- Create a free DocuSign account
- Choose a handwriting font for your electronic signature or create your own by signing with your trackpad, stylus or finger on your touch screen device.
- Upload a document you want to sign. Common file formats include PDF, Word Document, or Google Document.
- Drag & drop your electronic signature.
- Return the completed document via email, Dropbox, Evernote, Drive, Box, or OneDrive.
An easy and secure way to fill out forms and sign documents online.
Perfect for signing and returning email attachments. No printing, scanning, or faxing required.
- Offer Letters
- Healthcare Documents
- Insurance Documents
- Rental/Lease Agreements
- Permission Slips
- Liability Waiver
- Sales Contracts
- Financial Documents
- And More
Advantages of using an electronic signature:
Digital. No printing, signing, scanning, or mailing. DocuSign eSignature eliminates manual tasks and increases convenience.
Secure. DocuSign eSignature is designed to meet the industry’s most rigorous security certification standards and uses the strongest data encryption technologies that are commercially available.
Highly available. Sign and send documents—permission slips, real estate documents, work orders, invoices—on practically any device, from almost anywhere, at any time. And your documents are securely stored so you can access them later. DocuSign has a multiyear track record of 99.99% availability without downtime for maintenance.
Legally enforceable. Electronic signatures have been used for electronic signing in the US since 1999. They are legally enforceable in most business and personal transactions. DocuSign electronic signatures have been used in more than one billion transactions across over 180 countries to create legally enforceable agreements.
Hundreds of thousands of organizations worldwide have adopted eSignature technology because it lets them do business faster, simpler, and more cost-efficiently, while delivering a better experience for customers, partners and employees.
Create a signature online for free with our 30-day free trial.