Customer Stories

BoardRoom boosts efficiency and digitisation with Docusign

Solution impact

In productivity savings per annum

Products used

Electronic Signature

Docusign helps BoardRoom accelerate its technologically-driven future

BoardRoom helps companies manage their backend operations, allowing for better efficiency and business growth. Corporate services on offer include share registry services, looking after annual general meetings or extraordinary general meetings, long term incentive plans, payroll, accounting, tax and corporate secretarial services

BoardRoom works with both listed and unlisted companies looking to streamline operations, reduce disruption and increase efficiency. 

“We pride ourselves as being a fast adopter, a creator and developer of technology platforms. We also strongly believe that technology can help the user experience and our experience,” says Kim Teo, BoardRoom’s Group CEO.

With technology being a well-embedded part of BoardRoom’s ecosystem, the company took an even further step eight years ago into digitising its operations. First, it got rid of the compactors - influenced partly by enhanced sustainability efforts to cut down paper usage as well as a need for better efficiency and flexibility. 

“We were working to re-engineer the way we did business. This transformation phase included the addition of Docusign, which also led to a change in our communication with clients,” says Kim. 

Partnering with Docusign in 2018 led to mobility in the workplace, and with that, the start of a virtual office.

Redesigning workflow

The aim was to create a flexible workforce that’s not restricted by physical constraints - be it paper, an office, a desk or a chair. BoardRoom’s first step was to get rid of the inconveniences, such as the need for Kim’s physical presence to sign documents. 

“That’s when we looked at digital signatories, including the legalities. As different governments and jurisdictions adopt various interpretations of what is acceptable in the courts and what is not,” he says. BoardRoom also had the challenge of convincing the ecosystem to change.

“Initially, only about 2,000 documents got signed via Docusign, and now it’s close to 5,000. You can see from the accelerated numbers that we’ve been successful in the adoption, and we continue to push for that,” Kim says.

Docusign is used across the global business and is integrated into BoardRoom’s internal management system. Its reputation, pricing, ease of use and security were all the contributing elements that led BoardRoom to integrate the eSignature software.

The wins

The addition of Docusign has brought the business many benefits, including contract and agreement preparedness reducing from 20 minutes to two minutes. Additionally, Kim can now sign the letters of engagement 24/7, without needing to be in the office. 

“We are also saving on time as we’re reducing the mundane processing work and substituting it for more strategic thought,” he says.

Docusign was also one of the tools that allowed BoardRoom to transition to remote working successfully. During COVID, the platform, together with the fact that BoardRoom has integrated Docusign into its processes, allowed clients an enhanced level of integration and a better user experience.

“We won major clients during this period. We were able to expedite contracts, despite COVID, at a faster rate than in the normal circumstance,” Kim says.

Future-proofing BoardRoom 

BoardRoom’s vision for the future is to continue its journey of innovation and forward-thinking. Kim confirms that the business will also continue investing in technology to deliver creative solutions to clients. 

“Everyone’s talking about the environment, social, governance front with ESG. And that is very much in vogue. We are looking at BoardRoom’s part in this. We represent about 1300 listed companies as clients. We can make an impact with our clients,” he says.

“We are living in a fast-changing world. And as an organisation, we must be prepared to be at the forefront of change. Our plan for 2022 is to continue to innovate, sign acquisitions and acquire other adjacent silos. Docusign allows for such growth.”

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