Webinar Series: Digital Day - How Docusign can help you adapt to the "new normal"



Webinar Series: Digital Day - How Docusign can help you adapt to the "new normal"

With the uncertainty that COVID-19 is bringing, Docusign stands ready to help you adapt to the "new normal". On Wednesday 3rd June our Digital Day series of webinars will outline the solutions Docusign has been using to support organisations to mobilise agreements, so that we can help you too. 

Feel free to register for digital day and share any of the free sessions below. Even if you are unable to join us on the day, by registering you will automatically receive an on-demand version direct to your inbox after the event.

Our digital day on Wednesday 3rd June will consist of the following webinars:

See below for further details on each webinar.

Webinar 1: Adapt your manual legal processes for virtual working

Contract management is the heart that connects your digital transformation - it can help businesses to save time and money, minimise risk and boost sales potential. During a period of pivoting to remote working and adjusting to the "new normal", legal departments face pressure to improve efficiency and lower costs. Both can be achieved by digitally transforming the contract management process to maintain agreement turnaround time, all whilst lowering risk and maintaining compliance.

The added pressure of remote working has seen many organisations quickly adapting to find digital solutions for their typically manual tasks. In this webinar, we will discuss how implementing a digitised contract management workflow has helped legal departments. We’ll look at how, from small high-growth to large multinational corporations, organisations find a legal process that doesn’t just keep business moving, but makes it faster, more compliant and more agreeable.

Register for this 45-minute webinar to hear how you can still accelerate your legal processes through digital transformation.

Join us at 10am on Wednesday 3rd June

Webinar 2: Process UK Emergency Business Loans Faster with Docusign

To help small and medium sized businesses through the uncertainty due to COVID-19, the UK government and the British Business Bank have launched the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), which is a part of a wider package of government support for UK businesses and employees.

A growing number of these small and medium sized businesses don’t have enough cash to cover costs and stay afloat. Getting the approved loan funds into the hands of these business owners is a race against the clock.

Register for  our webinar and find out how as a lender to small businesses you can:

- Upgrade your loan process and create a smooth and secure loan processing experience

- Verify applicants’ identity remotely with digital ID Verification

- Accelerate lending by capturing data and consent digitally

Join us at 11am on Wednesday 3rd June

Webinar 3: Futureproof your business for remote working

During this period of adjusting to the "new normal", pivoting to working from home has found many organisations struggling to keep up with their previous manual contract processes.

Without access to office equipment, or the in-person opportunity to get paperwork signed, previous manual tasks have had to become digital to keep business moving. In this webinar, we will discuss the solutions that customers have been adopting to help them transition to the current working world, from the simple adoption of Docusign eSignature to a fully automated contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions.

Register for this 45-minute webinar to hear about the solutions that can help you maintain your business continuity remotely.

Join us at 12pm on Wednesday 3rd June

Webinar 4: Digitise your entire HR process, from hire to retire

During this period of pivoting to remote working, document management for many HR teams has become more burdensome and remote hiring has become a challenge.

Amid these disruptions and uncertainty due to COVID-19, Docusign stands ready to help. We’re working with HR teams who need to make important business decisions on how to best support their teams remotely during these unprecedented times. In this webinar, we will hear how organisations are adopting the Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR so that they can continue to hire the best talent and onboard employees to keep business moving as usual. With Docusign integrating with over 350 different platforms including SuccessFactors, Oracle HCM and Workday, streamlining your workflow has never been easier.

Join us for this 45-minute webinar to hear more about how you can automate your HR agreement processes to keep business moving.

Join us at 1pm on Wednesday 3rd June

Webinar 5: Don't let working remotely slow down your sales cycle

With the world working from home, it doesn’t mean business needs to stop. Docusign stands ready to help to ensure your sales targets are surpassed, and business growth continues.

Amid the disruption due to COVID-19, Docusign has been supporting organisations adapting to remote working, with contracts being made and deals being sealed remotely. In this webinar, we will outline the solutions helping businesses adapt to the "new normal" from simple eSignatures to full Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions. With Docusign integrating with Salesforce and over 350 other software providers, integrating and automating your workflow to ensure targets are surpassed and business keeps growing has never been easier.

Register for this 45-minute webinar to hear more about how you can continue getting your deals closed with Docusign.

Join us at 2pm on Wednesday 3rd June

Daisy O'Malley Glynn
Marketing Communications Specialist
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