Cash Technology Solutions Company Glory Credits Docusign for 6X Acceleration of Contracts

The “Customer Spotlight” series shines a light on the customers that are accelerating their businesses with Docusign's electronic signature platform. 

Glory has seen their average turnaround of new partner forms fall from six weeks to five days with Docusign. As the company prepares to rollout Docusign across multiple regions, Executive Personal Assistant Hannah Jones talks about how e-signatures are accelerating process automation.

Hannah, can you describe Glory’s field of work and your role within the company?

Glory is a global leader in cash technology solutions across the financial, retail, gaming and CIT industries. We help our customers automate their cash processes to increase efficiency, enhance security and release staff to focus on the experience they deliver. Understanding each customer’s specific challenges allows us to design custom solutions that deliver real improvements in business performance.

I am an Executive Personal Assistant & Contracts Administrator, supporting the General Counsel & Company Secretary. Some of my responsibilities include creating and maintaining a contract repository for UK direct and indirect contracts including non-UK indirect contract management and ensuring all Third-Party Partner (TPP) contractual agreements are regularly renewed, processed and administered in an efficient, accurate and legally-compliant manner.

Why is doing business digitally important to your organisation?

Glory operates in fast-moving markets, which require processes that are capable of keeping pace. Digital workflows provide the opportunity to do this, helping us to meet and exceed customer demands. With a global reach in over 100 countries, there is a significant amount of complexity involved in managing those customer relationships, and so digital processes help to overcome this.

We are focused on automating as many of our processes as possible. With my responsibility of looking after contracts, I often need to go to different regions, different time zones, and different signatories before finalising contracts. As a manual process, this exercise would often take up to six weeks to complete. Docusign has helped us to reduce this to five days.

Under our old system, a lot of time was spent by our stakeholders scanning, posting, and couriering documents. Now, with so many of our managers travelling more frequently, Docusign allows them to complete documents on the move and they are not bound by only being able to carry out work in the office.

E-signatures help us automate document signing where there are multiple parties involved in different locations and time zones which reduces the authorisation time.

What motivated Glory to implement an e-signature solution?

With a global, mobile management team the ability to work on the move with a secure platform ensures fast, efficient approval and mechanisms, removing the time and resource drain typically associated with transactional paperwork.

It was clear that there were time and cost-saving opportunities to be gained from introducing an e-signature solution globally. It is also important for Glory to enhance the experience our customers have with us, making it as effortless as possible and this is one way in which we can achieve this.

That’s great to hear. Are you one of the main users of Docusign within Glory?

I am the Docusign champion. The majority of our current licenses are used by Personal Assistants, the finance department and the company’s directors and managers who make up the main audience for signing and sending documents.

We began with a trial within the international subsidiary of our company, which has worked really well in reducing turnaround time and increasing efficiency. As a result, we are planning to roll out further across our subsidiaries in China, Japan, Latin America, and the rest of Europe by the end of April 2018.

Can you describe how you’re using eHanko?

We use eHanko internally at present, to formalise approvals and meeting notes with our Japanese parent company.

As part of a listed Japanese group, the cultural significance of eHanko cannot be underestimated. The ability to work within cultural norms helps to strengthen our relationship and accommodate execution formalities.

In the upcoming months, eHanko will be a big selling point to our Japanese counterparts, so it will be interesting to monitor this use once the rollout has taken place. 

Are there any other aspects of Docusign that make it the best fit for Glory and your use cases?

The mobile app is also one of the biggest positives when using Docusign allowing signature on the go and in any time zone. 63 percent all of the signed envelopes are done via the mobile app. Docusign is also integrated with Outlook, making it even easier to load documents straight from an email for signing.

The Docusign platform allows us to consolidate all of the required elements for securing authorisation in one place and provides us with a clear audit trail through the Certificate of Completion to ensure we remain compliant with our processes.

What’s next for Glory when it comes to digitisation?

When the global rollout of Docusign is implemented, we will provide access to the platform to more staff who could benefit from e-signatures. Salespeople, for example, are forever having to scan and send over documents to their managers, so there’s significant potential for them.

What advice would you offer to other areas of the business who will be using Docusign?

There are cost benefits when comparing the processing of traditional paperwork against that of an electronic signature platform. The additional security, cutting-edge technology, and mobility greatly reduce the administrative burden upon the business, removing time zone challenges and logistical costs.

Thanks for your input, Hannah!

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