Enhancing employee experiences through HR automation

Enhancing employee experiences through HR automation - from hiring to retiring

Forrester Consulting recently conducted a survey on behalf of Docusign, The State of Systems of Agreement, 2019*. The research discovered that almost a third (29%) of respondents’ companies lost candidates as a result of inefficient employment agreement processes in the last year.

If your HR documents and process isn’t part of a modernised system of agreement, your candidate experience, employee experience, and ultimately your business, can suffer. It’s time to enhance employee experience through stronger HR workflow and automation. Speed is the new currency and candidates don’t want to wait around.

“Almost a third (29%) of respondents’ companies lost candidates as a result of inefficient HR agreement processes in the last year.”

A successful human resources team is dependent on more than just executing employment agreements. A smooth process is essential for positive employee experiences and efficiency. Helping teams to move towards HR automation can increase the speed of activity. Connecting HR system forms, including employment contracts, offers, promotions and exit from end to end, can completely transform processes.

Automation can enhance employee experiences from the moment they’re hired right through to when they retire. Manual processes and non-integrated systems can drive inefficiency and negative experiences for everyone involved. What’s more, manual processes are slow, and there is an increased risk of error.

Digital transformation of HR processes is in its infancy

A key takeaway from the Forrester research is that the digital transformation of HR processes is in its infancy compared to other areas, despite the new range of tools available.

Here are some findings:

  • Only 6% of HR processes are digitised compared to 36.8% in Legal and as much as 40% in Procurement.
  • Only 27% of new hire paperwork is automated. Most employees’ experiences when joining a company is an analogue one.
  • Only one third (34%) of performance appraisals are digital.

These time-consuming processes can be made much easier with automation. While some aspects of HR processes have been automated, many manual tasks remain.

Automating your system of agreement in HR

Your HR team is a strategic business resource that plays a vital role in recruiting your employees and managing the hiring process. The department is also critical in training and retaining employees and are typically responsible for all HR documentation. A range of inefficient and manual agreement processes may stand in the way of those teams achieving business priorities.

In many HR departments, legacy systems and reams of paper are being used to prepare, sign and manage employee agreements. These agreements might include employee offer letters, promotion agreements, exit agreements and more.

Making employee agreements easy, efficient, and secure is as essential for relationship building as it is for operational benefits. Creating end-to-end HR automation workflows for signing, acting on and managing agreements can drastically improve results.

modernise your system of agreement in HR

The Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR

The Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR can help you modernise your system of agreement for long term success. The way your HR department processes its employee contracts can transform the way they’re able to engage with colleagues and candidates. It can also accelerate the signing process for candidates and employees.

Using the Docusign Agreement Cloud means that HR agreement processes that previously took weeks can be created in minutes. For example, an energy company sought to improve its HR process by digitising contract sending, signing and storage. They now use the Docusign platform, and their agreements are completed in as little as 10 minutes. This process previously took weeks.

HR automation can make critical functions like hiring, payroll management and benefits enrolment both faster and paper-free.

Download the free eBook for HR leaders, “People not Paperwork - Enhancing the employee experience through hire to retire automation”, to find out more.


* In February 2019, Forrester conducted an online survey of 105 business leaders responsible for document-intensive processes at organisations in the U.K. with 250 to more than 20,000 employees. The aim was to evaluate the maturity and automation of organisations’ agreement processes.
