Announcing the Docusign Agreement Cloud: 2021 Release 2

In the Docusign Agreement Cloud: 2021 Release 2, we have exciting new product capabilities to help you keep your business moving forward. Here’s Docusign’s SVP of Engineering Tom Casey to introduce his favourites from Release 2:

Read on for more information on all of the capabilities in this release.

Docusign CLM news

For the second year in a row, Docusign CLM has been named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Contract Lifecycle Management.

In the Agreement Cloud: 2021 Release 1, we announced several new features to help automate your procurement processes, and today we’re excited to deliver more.

  • Docusign CLM Connector for SAP Ariba allows you to connect CLM with your SAP Ariba Contract Workspace and automatically update contract and project metadata—like start date, end date, and supplier ID—from CLM, or pull information from the Ariba contract workspace into CLM. SAP Ariba joins Docusign’s existing CLM integrations with Netsuite Financials and others, making it easier than ever to connect CLM to the ERP and Procurement solutions you use today.
  • Obligation Management for CLM allows users to report on and visualize specific obligations within agreements, making it easier to understand what types of obligations exist across agreements with vendors or customers. This enables you to track important terms and due dates, like notice of termination dates and certificate of insurance requirements to ensure timely fulfillment of obligations and to avoid non-compliance.

In the Agreement Cloud: 2020 Release 3, we announced CLM+, which adds AI-driven contract analytics to our market-leading contract lifecycle management solution. Now, in 2021 Release 2, we’re thrilled to announce the following enhancement to CLM+: 

  • AI-enhanced search and reporting with CLM+ gives users the benefit of AI-extracted attributes for every agreement in their organization’s CLM repository, including those completed in the past. Docusign’s AI automatically extracts critical terms like renewal date, governing law, payment terms and many more, eliminating extensive manual effort. Users can leverage these attributes in CLM to search, filter and report on their agreements—to find the answers they need, power contract workflows and mine their contract portfolio as a source of business intelligence.

We’re targeting general availability for these CLM features for August.

Docusign eSignature news

Just last month, we announced an exciting milestone of one million customers. View the page here to see how our customers have used Docusign eSignature to make a difference in the world around you.

Today, we are excited to bring you the following Docusign eSignature enhancements that accelerate and secure the way you electronically send and sign agreements from virtually anywhere.

  • ID Verification enhancements allow signers to upload an ID document from countries currently not supported by digital identity verification; senders can then manually review and approve the ID documents. Also, admins now have the ability to redirect customers to a webpage of choice in the case that the signer ID is not recognized. Lastly, admins will have access to reporting on all ID Verification session data such as verification status, type of ID and country of issue. We’re targeting general availability of these enhancements later this month.
  • Docusign Click enhancements include the ability to share clickwraps with multiple users in the account for increased visibility, as well as the ability to create a Docusign-hosted landing page where your customers can provide their email address as their unique user ID before accessing the clickwrap. We’re targeting general availability for these enhancements in August. 
  • Docusign Monitor enhancements help users secure their agreements with new functionality, including customizable alerts and dashboards, and CSV downloads for alerts and events. We’re also looking forward to introducing the Monitor Splunk app to streamline setup for API customers leveraging Splunk. In addition to English, the Monitor UI is now available in French, German, Portuguese and Japanese. We’re targeting general availability of these enhancements later this month.

Another new enhancement in the Agreement Cloud

  • Docusign Insight Connector for Salesforce connects Insight with Salesforce to streamline access, search and analysis of all Salesforce contract files. Additionally, the administrative function provides control of data synchronization between Insight and Salesforce. This joins our recently announced Docusign Insight Connector for SAP Ariba, providing you with a full spectrum of AI-powered search and analysis capabilities for tools you’re already using. We’re targeting general availability of this connector in August.

We hope you enjoy the new capabilities in Docusign Agreement Cloud: 2021 Release 2. For further details, please see the release notes.

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