Team SolutionsAre Electronic Signatures Legal in Canada?What makes e-signature legal in Canada and around the world? Which documents can't you e-sign in Canada? Are they legally binding? Here's what you need to know.Jodi Schechter
Team Solutions8 Modern HR Solutions for a Remote WorkforceModern organizations must have HR solutions to manage remote workers. Here are 8 solutions for effective communication, engagement and document processing.
Team SolutionsSustainability Runs on AgreementsModern systems of agreement give organizations tools to operationalize their sustainability agendas. Add ESG goals to contracts; use AI to monitor compliance. Docusign Contributor
Insights for LeadersHow Digital Contracts Create Business ValueModern agreements bring tangible benefits – from productivity improvements to hard costs. Here are 6 benefits of digital contracting you can't afford to ignore.
Insights for LeadersWhat is E-signature ROI? 9 upside measurementsWill your investment in e-signature pay off? Yes. See how nine key business elements are measured and all prove positive ROI. Bonus: all stakeholders win.
Team Solutions3 Steps to Get Legal DigitalDigitizing routine legal tasks saves 20% of your team's time. Legal has been slow to adopt digital tools but these 3 steps can help modernize workflows.
Electronic SignatureBuild Back Better: Modernize Your Small Business"Build Back Better" sees small businesses adopting simple technology solutions to create convenience and stay competitive through the pandemic and beyond.
Electronic SignatureScribble, Sign and Send with Docusign eSignature on iPadApple Scribble and Docusign make it easier than ever to sign, send and manage agreements on your iPad. Get the free Docusign iOS app and sign from anywhere.