No Pen? No Problem.

Sign documents or request signatures anytime, anywhere. You don’t need to print or scan—just use the device at your fingertips. DocuSign makes it easy.

Mobile App

1. Log in to your account and click [New] and then [Sign a Document].

2. Click [Upload] to select your file and upload it. Then click [Sign].

Quick tip: You can also upload from popular cloud services

3. Drag the [Signature] tag from the Fields to your document. Then click [Finish].

Pro Tip: Use other tags to add additional information to your document like date signed, name, and more.

4. You can now send your signed document to anyone you would like by adding recipient information and clicking [Send and Close]. Otherwise, click [No Thanks] to finish.

5. Congrats, you've just signed a document.

Check out how to sign a document from the mobile app or how to send send a document.

Or you can login to your account.

Did you know? Any documents signed with DocuSign can be stored and accessed with a free DocuSign account.

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Got questions?

Is a document signed with DocuSign legal?

Yes! Documents signed using DocuSign are legally binding for nearly every business and personal transaction. DocuSign offers eSignature methods that meet the legal standards set by governments around the world—as well as standards set for specific industries.

Can I (or the sender) get a copy of the NDA?

Sure. You simply log into your free DocuSign account and then click Documents. The NDA appears in the list. Save or print the signed copy from there. The other party can access it the same way.

How can I send the NDA to another person for signing?

Use the Send a Document option to set up the document, upload it, and then add yourself and the other party as a signer. DocuSign automatically sends the document to the other person once you’ve signed it. 

Can I have people sign the contract in a specific order?

Yes. You can set the signing order for the document on the Recipients page. Once a person signs, DocuSign automatically sends the document to the next person in line.

Can I change the contract after sending it?

As long as no one has signed yet, you can edit or replace the contract by uploading a new file. To protect the integrity of the contract, once it’s been signed by someone you can’t change it. Instead, void it and re-send the document.

Can I set this contract up as a template?

Sure. Templates are available with paid subscriptions. They make it even faster and easier to send the same type of document to new recipients—and you can even prepare and send them on the go from our mobile app.