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Docusign IAM | Click

Capture consent to standard terms with a single click

Lower costs and risk, while improving the customer experience

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A customisable clickwrap solution that's easy to use, simple to deploy

Docusign Click enables you to capture consent to agreement terms – like terms of service and privacy policies – with a single click of a tick box or button. You can display the clickwrap in a seamless, embedded experience on your websites and apps or send it directly to your end users via a URL.

Features and benefits

  • Detailed audit trail

    Help ensure compliance and eliminate unnecessary legal risk with a complete audit trail.

  • Configurable display

    Customise display and acceptance options to meet your requirements.

  • Quick, easy deployment

    Streamline development and maintenance with auto-generated code snippets to embed in your website or apps.

Reduce time to agreement

With quick set-up, a secure and reliable platform, and a configurable, intuitive interface, Docusign Click simplifies creating clickwrap agreements for customer acceptance in your website and apps.

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A sitting man speaking to his co-workers

Docusign Click solution

  • Intuitive interface

    Easily configure the agreement layout, enforcement and recipient delivery to meet your needs.

  • Simple implementation

    Automatically generate a code snippet and embed in your customer site or mobile apps.

  • Easily auditable

    Click’s complete audit trail gives you confidence your clickwrap will hold up in a court of law.

  • Version control

    Easily manage changes or updates to existing clickwrap agreements, with visibility into who agreed to specific versions.

  • Click API

    Implement and manage your clickwrap agreements with our Click REST API that's easy to use and simple to deploy.

  • Manage centrally

    Track, store and manage completed clickwrap agreements in one place.

  • Multilingual support

    Docusign Click is available in a variety of languages.

Digital art of a website pop up that says ‘Terms of Service’

What is a clickwrap?

A clickwrap is an industry-accepted term that refers to a simple method for legally indicating consent  to a set of terms such as terms of service and privacy policies by clicking ‘I agree’ or similar process. Other use cases include account sign-ups and openings, software licenses and downloads, product trials, checkout pages and registration pages.

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Customer success stories

  • Driva logo

    Improved customer experience

    Find out how Driva reduced loan application time for hundreds of customers while increasing conversion rates and compliance.

    View Their Story
  • Metha Energia logo

    Increased customer acquisition

    Get an inside look at how Metha Energia streamlined customer onboarding and increased acquisition from 50% to 82%.

    View Their Story
  • OptionsSwing logo

    Reduced business risk

    Learn how OptionsSwing captured legally-binding consent to terms and conditions and increased its fee dispute win rate by 73%.

    View Their Story


Learn more about Docusign Click

  • Creating a Frictionless, Digital Experience with Clickwraps

    Learn how Narrative easily captures consent while maintaining a clear audit trail.

  • How Clickwrap Maturity Can Impact Business Performance and Mitigate Legal Risk

    Frost & Sullivan surveyed more than 300 decision-makers about their use of clickwrap solutions. See the results.

  • 4 Clickwrap Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

    Read the case studies of companies who faced clickwrap litigation and learn about best practices for mitigating legal risks.

Get started

Learn how Docusign can help make capturing acceptance to standard agreements simple.