We are Docusign: Mac Marr

Our “We are Docusign” blog series places the spotlight on employees from a variety of departments and provides a peek into what it’s like to work at Docusign. This week we sat down with Mac Marr, Market Development Representative to chat about his day-to-day work, what he admires about his colleagues and something none of his co-workers know about him.

What do you do at Docusign?

I have been with the company for a year now and I am currently working as a Market Development Representative. My role involves outbound activities to educate people who have most likely not heard of Docusign before about our solution. I work closely with my Account Executive, Nick van Breda and Luke Stanton, to strategically prospect into Accounts and I am excited about the year ahead.

What is the best thing about working at Docusign?

There is an unbelievable spread in the kitchen, fresh juice and avocados etc. Not to mention the amazing views of the harbour and being surrounded by people who I can learn from every day. I also feel that Docusign is a solution that genuinely makes people’s lives easier.

What do your friends and family think you do at Docusign?

The general consensus from my family is that I help companies figure out how Docusign can best be implemented into their business.

What is the best advice you can give to somebody starting a new job in your department at Docusign?

Learn from the people around you as much as possible – ask questions, plenty of questions! There are so many resources so make sure to use them! Oh, and definitely show up to meetings on time.

What traits do you most admire in your colleagues at Docusign?

Everyone genuinely wants to see you succeed. It’s amazing to be working in a place where your colleagues are willing to go the extra mile in making sure you are comfortable in whatever it is you are doing. The chances are that whoever you turn to have been in your position before so their insight can be very valuable.

What traits do you think your Docusign colleagues most admire in you?

Making myself available and approachable for help. I try to bring a positive energy and listen to feedback from my colleagues.

What is something most of your colleagues at Docusign don’t know about you?

Before working at Docusign, I was trying to become a professional golfer. I spent 4 years in America playing college golf and getting my degree – now I have swapped the clubs for electronic signatures.

What is your favorite snack from the Docusign kitchen?

I am all over the babybel cheeses. I don’t think there’s been a day where I haven’t had at least one.

What is the best project you ever worked on at Docusign and why?

Late last year I had the opportunity to be a part of Docusign’s first community event. This was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and get to know our customers face to face.

If you were not working at Docusign and could do anything in the world, what would you be doing/do next?

I would be traveling the world with a set of golf clubs and a surfboard. You’d probably never see me again!

What is the secret for you to happiness?

Having a good balance between work, sport, family and friends. I think it’s important to know when to put your head down and work hard but also when to have a good time.
