Using Docusign in Real Estate: save time and make more money

To remain competitive in the cut-throat real estate industry, real estate agents are continually on the look-out for ways to reduce the amount of time wasted on admin tasks. One of the biggest time wasters? Preparing and distributing paper-based contracts and agreements.

The good news is that there is a simple, easy way to accelerate and simplify real estate agreements – which means agents can spend more time with customers or, better still, improve their own work-life balance. It’s achieved using Docusign on REI Forms Live.

Why go digital?

Greg Troughton, Chief Executive Officer at the Real Estate Institute of South Australia (REISA), sums up the impact of digitisation beautifully: “Trust me, there’s nothing boring about the agent who has saved himself $1,200 in petrol and countless hours of driving time through 'Docusign-ing' agreements. The time and cost savings offered by digital technologies have the power to transform our profession.”

His comments are spot on. For every minute saved by securely sending a sales contract or rental agreement via email instead of hand delivering it across town, that’s an extra minute that a realtor can spend on new business opportunities or head home earlier to spend time with the family.

Let’s take a closer look at how Docusign saves realtors time and money.

How Docusign saves realtors time

Using Docusign integrated with REI Forms Live, real estate agents can instantly prepare, sign, send and act on agreements electronically, from any device. There’s the added time-saving benefit of being able to easily transfer information from one type of form to another. Features like these, slash the amount of time that agents spend on admin tasks, which in turn frees them up to focus on other tasks.

As Greg says, “For me, that’s what the business of real estate is all about – having these really slick systems in the background that free agents up to spend more time with customers.”

How Docusign saves realtors money

Real estate agents can push through more deals, faster. This translates into more money coming into the business. On the flip side, the delays commonly associated with paper-based contracts are like money down the drain.

What’s more, Docusign enables more proactive management of customer relationships, which is always going to boost the bottom line. An agent can pull up a contract at any time to see if it has been viewed or not. If it hasn’t, they can proactively get in touch with the customer to speed things up.

Harris Real Estate in South Australia has experienced significant uptick in sales by using Docusign with REI Forms Live. Owner Tom Hector says, “The increased speed at which we’re getting contracts back is a game changer. We can easily go from 180 to 300 sales a year purely because we are using Docusign to get past that frustrating stage when documents go back and forth. It’s been that transformative for our business.”

There’s no time to waste

Docusign’s integration with REI Forms Live means that realtors can now quickly and easily generate and distribute contracts and agreements, with significantly less effort. There’s none of that time-wasting chasing of people to sign documents, not to mention the time and cost of resending those documents that were not signed correctly.

So what are you waiting for? Real estate agents that use REI Forms Live can get started with Docusign in just a few clicks.

For further assistance with set-up, visit REI Forms LIVE Support  or watch our on-demand webinar with David Howell from REI Forms Live and Tom Hector from Harris Real Estate to learn how you can modernise your system of agreement using technology.
