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General Usage Guidelines for DocuSign’s Trademarks

DocuSign, Inc. and its affiliates own trademarks, logos, slogans, taglines, designs, and other source identifiers (“Brand Assets”) that are vital to the success of our business.  These guidelines provide tips for the correct use of certain Brand Assets - DocuSign’s word marks (“Word Marks”) - solely to identify DocuSign’s products and services. 

Other Uses

  • If you would like to use any of our other Brand Assets, including a logo, please submit a Brand Asset License Request

  • If you participate in a DocuSign Partnership Program or develop/support an integration with DocuSign services subject to the Developer Terms & Conditions, please review (i) your agreement with DocuSign and (ii) the Brand Asset License.  You may already have a right to use certain Brand Assets. 

Guidelines - Do’s and Don’ts.


  1. Use DocuSign’s Word Marks to refer to (e.g. identify) an associated DocuSign product or service.

  2. Use an appropriate generic term after DocuSign’s Word Marks the first time the word mark appears in text, and as often as possible after that.

  3. Use the appropriate trademark symbol (™ or ℠ or ®) the first time DocuSign’s Word Marks appear in text, and as often as possible after that.

  4. Use DocuSign’s Word Marks with the correct spelling and capitalization.


  1. Use any of DocuSign’s Word Marks in a way that suggests or implies partnership, sponsorship or endorsement by DocuSign.

  2. Use any of DocuSign’s Brand Assets, except the Word Marks as provided in these Guidelines, unless under a separate license from DocuSign.

  3. Incorporate any of DocuSign’s Word Marks or other Brand Assets, or anything confusingly similar, into any other trademark, logo, company name, product name, publication name, conference title, domain name, username, social media account name, or any other source identifier.

  4. Modify or alter any of DocuSign’s Word Marks in any way.

  5. Use any of DocuSign’s Word Marks as a noun, as a verb or in the possessive.

  6. Use any of DocuSign’s Word Marks in any way that is disparaging, defamatory, libelous, or otherwise unlawful.

  7. Imitate the look and feel of DocuSign, including DocuSign’s trade dress, type style, or other designs.