Data Manipulation: How Contract Analytics Can Help

67% of executives aren’t comfortable accessing or using data from their existing tools and resources[1]. Although senior executives continue to show interest in the data analytics process, few tend to have the necessary knowledge of data manipulation to execute. But what exactly is data manipulation? Data manipulation refers to the process of adjusting data to make it organized and easier to read. While most executives reported that their analytical maturity has increased over the past year, many still use manual processes and are unwilling or unable to harness the full potential of data manipulation. Unfortunately, this approach to analytics means that systems and processes are typically still manual and slow-moving.

According to Gennadiy Borisov, CEO, Klika Tech, “Data analytics are mistakenly perceived as mystical, labor intensive and costly expenses.” Well, these misperceptions are costing organizations time and money. It’s time to demystify the data analytics process and drive better business outcomes. What if I told you that data maturity challenges and outdated processes could be easily automated—reducing risk and speeding time to value? With the right technology and processes in place, the misconceptions of data manipulation can be left in the past. If organizations incorporate unstructured data into their business approach and invest in technology to assist in the process, the benefits of data analytics are unbounded.

How contract analytics can help

We understand the multi-faceted data analytics process, and with our award-winning legal AI technology, we empower enterprise companies to embrace change, while keeping industry best practices in mind. By minimizing the amount of configuration or manipulation required by business users, our pre-built contract analytics models drive actionable insights within a user-friendly interface. These advanced analytics speed up time to value, allowing you to access information faster and make better business decisions.

Docusign Analyzer brings AI outcomes directly into applications that enterprise customers use. It drives business value by accelerating the contract negotiation process while leveraging Microsoft Word, a solution that senior business leaders use daily[2]. By reducing the effort required for internal review, Docusign Analyzer is increasing end-to-end negotiation efficiency.

As we have seen time and time again, emerging technology is vital to transformation and business success. Our AI-powered technology presents senior executives with the opportunity to expand their analytic knowledge and promote agile business processes. By leveraging Docusign Analyzer and Docusign Insight to automate contract review and gain insights from unstructured data, organizations can reach business goals with speed and ease. With a 360-degree view into contract information, senior executives are better informed and in a position to benefit from the data analytics process. This insight offers your organization a significant advantage by enabling you to maximize the value from your existing systems while embracing new technology to digitally transform.



